We are Trusted

You are Safe

Block intrusive ads and browse your favorite websites without the frustrating pop-ups and banners appearing all over the place.
Get for Chrome Get for EDGE

Know More About Us

We are are professional

When you download and install "You are Safe" extension, your internet browsing experience will change forever. No need to register. No need to pay. Installation takes only a few seconds.

What you’ll get:

  • No more ads of any kind, including banners, pop-ups, video ads
  • Trackers will no longer gain access to your personal information
  • A much safer browsing experience
  • Increased speed of browsing

Our Servises

While our "You are Safe" extension is unable to block any malware or viruses, it does make it a lot less likely for your PC to become infected. By blocking spam, pop-ups, and banners that are usually used to spread malware, our ad blockers keeps your PC safe and sound. This is especially important if children or elderly people are using your PC, since they easily fall prey to this kind of pop-ups and ads.

Our Fantastic Work

Below we present you a demonstration of the real work of our extension.


We have no task to track you, our task is not to let others track you! We only transmit and store statistical data to keep statistics on the installation, use and removal of our extension. But even to transfer this tiny data, we use encryption to our servers.

We take the confidentiality of your information very seriously.

You can also read more detailed descriptions of the privacy policy and user agreement on the pages.

Privacy policy End user license agreement